It has been five years since we reviewed snowboard plates, as they pertain to alpine snowboard racing. The bridge-plate system with a fixed point and the other end floating, actually sliding had just emerged as the plate of choice for reasons already discussed in our last review titled “Thoughts on Snowboard Plate – Alpine Snowboard […]
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SG and Apex Plate Testing – A Review
SG and Apex Plates Testing by Derek Runes, 2013 All Boards Sports and Bola were kind enough to let me test a couple different plate systems this winter. First, I picked up the SG plate with 2×4 hardware to test on my own board. The second plate was the Apex Sport V2 plate with 4×4 […]
View Post Apex Sport, SG Snowboard Plate, SG Snowboards, Snowboard Plates, Virus SnowboardsVirus Gladiator

Zylon goodness. Ride the strongest fiber we know and fly like a butterfly.
View Post Virus Carving, Virus Snowboards, ZylonVirus Avalanche FLP

The lightest in the Avalanche Series, this German machine feels right at home in all kinds of terrain. Excellent for kiting and when you run out of wind, quite light on your back on the ascent but so sweet on the way back. FLP stands for Fückin Light Project
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